Before you view this activity, please take this pre-assessment. Taking this pre-assessment does not immediately qualify learners to earn credit. 

Certificates of credit will only be sent to learners who also receive a passing score on the post-test (separate from this survey), and fill out the evaluation form and application for credit.

Question Title

* 1. What are your specialty and credentials?

Question Title

* 2. What is your community of practice?

Question Title

* 3. According to STRIDE-II, which of the following is considered an intermediate treatment target for IBD?

Question Title

* 4. A 32-year-old woman with newly diagnosed Crohn’s ileocolitis is started on ustekinumab and achieves endoscopic healing at year 1 with some pseudopolyps in right colon and a short non-obstructing fibrotic stenosis at the ileocaecal valve.

Which of following is a long term T2T for her?

Question Title

* 5. Completing this pre-survey does not qualify you for a CME certificate. Only after completing the post-survey & evaluation form will a certificate be issued.

🔗 Proceed to post-survey (post-survey completion must occur on or after activity launch date to be valid for claiming credit)