Astoria Police Department Community Survey

The Astoria Police Department (APD) is seeking input from members of our community to assist us in focusing our efforts on certain crime problems and understand what types of incidents concern our community the most.  APD is also seeking information in how we can improve our community interaction.

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* 1. Please tell us about yourself. Check all that apply.

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* 2. What Astoria neighborhood do you live in?

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* 3. How long have you lived in Astoria?

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* 4. How many direct interactions have you had with a member of APD in the last three years?

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* 5. Procedural Justice/Trust

  Not at all A little Somewhat A lot To a great extent Not sure
To what extent do APD officers treat people fairly?
To what extent do APD officers show concern for community members?
To what extent are APD officers respectful?
To what extent are APD officers responsive to the concerns of community members?
To what extent do you trust the Astoria Police Department?

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* 6. Police - Community Relationships

  Not at all A little Somewhat A lot To a great extent Not sure
To what extent does the Astoria Police Department regularly communicate with community members (e.g., websites, social media, e-mails, or public meetings)?
To what extent does the Astoria Police Department make it easy for community members to provide input (e.g., comments, suggestions, and concerns)?
To what extent does the Astoria Police Department work together with community members to solve local problems?
Community policing involves police officers developing relationships with members of the community so they can work together to address community concerns, be proactive in preventing criminal activity, and help the public feel safe in the community. Based on this definition, to what extent do you think APD practices community policing?

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* 7. Please select three (3) issues you think are the greatest problems within our community.

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* 8. To what extent do you feel safe in your community when you are outside alone during the day?

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* 9. To what extent do you feel safe in your community when you are outside alone at night?

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* 10. If you indicated in question # 6 or 7 that you do not always feel safe, please mark all boxes that apply where you do not feel safe.

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* 12. Overall, what is your opinion of the Astoria Police Department?

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* 13. Is there anything else you would like to add?

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100% of survey complete.