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* 1. Will you attend the Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, May 14th @ 7PM?

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* 2. How long have you resided here at Del Mar Club? What year?

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* 3. How would you rate your participation being involved in our community? (ie, attending town halls, volunteering on a committee, attend events?

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* 4. Will you be interested in volunteering on a Committee?
Block Captain (serve as a safety resource for your block, working with our liaison from Gwinnett PD. to keep our neighborhood safe)
Events Committee (help plan activities at the clubhouse or community)
Hospitality Committee (welcome new neighbors and keep the friendly-neighborly culture amongst the neighborhood)
Beautification Committee (help keep the amenities area beautified including the front entrances, playground, tennis, pool area clean and in good condition).

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* 5. How well would you rank Communications from CMA or the Board?

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* 6. Are you happy living here at Del Mar Club?

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* 7. What are some areas of concerns you would like addressed or improved on for Del Mar Club?

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* 8. Is there something you would like the Board to know or do better?

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* 9. Please rank the order of importance the areas you would like to prioritize to discuss at the upcoming Town Hall and as a focus for the remaining year.
(8 being the most important; 1 less important)

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* 10. Have you fully read and understand the Del Mar Club Declaration of Covenants?

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* 11. Are you aware of the best way to contact the Board for concerns?

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* 12. What's the best way to stay connected with what's happening at Del Mar Club?