MOPIA ODS Certification Training Course Survey
How satisfied are you with the look and feel of this website?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not at all satisfied
How useful is the included documentation for ODS awareness?
Extremely useful
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not so useful
Not at all useful
How satisfied are you with the account setup experience of this website?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not at all satisfied
How satisfied are you with this website's ease of use?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not so satisfied
Not at all satisfied
How interested are you in receiving electronic information about MOPIA's ongoings? (Such as monthly E-bulletins, emails, etc.)
Extremely interested
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not so interested
Not at all interested
What did you dislike about the training course?
Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?