Conference Evaluation 

We are seeking your reactions to the REP 2023 Annual Conference. Your responses will be used to improve future activities of the State Regents.

Question Title

Which of the following best describes your current role in Higher Education?

Question Title

Please rate each session using the following scale:  1 – Unsatisfactory, 2 – Poor, 3 – Satisfactory, 4 – Good, 5 – Excellent

Consequential Board Governance: Fundamental Duties and Responsibilities

Speaker: Dr. William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland, and Senior Fellow, Association of Governing Boards

Question Title

Mastering Strategic Inquiry for Effective Decision-Making
Speaker: Dr. William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland, and Senior Fellow, Association of Governing Boards

Question Title

Navigating Institutional Risk
Speaker: Dr. William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland, and Senior Fellow, Association of Governing Boards

Question Title

Luncheon Keynote: 2024 Legislative Policy Priorities
Speakers: Chancellor Allison D. Garrett (Moderator)
The Honorable Roger Thompson, Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Chuck Hall, Vice Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Mark McBride, Chair, House A&B Subcommittee on Education

Question Title

2024 State System Legislative Agenda
Speaker: Chancellor Allison D. Garrett, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Dr. Jarrett Jobe, Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

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State Systems Strategic Plan – Blueprint 2030
Speaker: Regent Courtney Warmington, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education               
Chancellor Allison D. Garrett, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

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The Ins and Outs of Oklahoma Ethics Rules 
Speaker: Stephanie McCord, General Counsel, Oklahoma Ethics Commission

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Open Meeting Act and Open Records Act
Speaker: Nikki Batt, Deputy Attorney General, Oklahoma Office of the Attorney General                       
Thomas R. Schneider, Deputy General Counsel, Oklahoma Office of the Attorney General

Question Title

Which topics or sessions were most relevant or helpful to you? Why?

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What was the greatest benefit to you? What was the greatest benefit to your institution?

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Do you have any additional comments about the program?

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Do you have any suggestions for next year’s program?