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1. Are you currently providing PDN (Private Duty Nursing) services and must re-enroll, or are you planning to expand into new regions or may be going through the CHOW (Change of Ownership) process in the next six months?

The State Budget includes additional dollars earmarked for Medicaid providers to pay their direct care workers $15/hour.  Specific language on how this will be implemented and applied to the Medicaid rate has to be determined, and HCAOA wants to make certain our members’ voices are heard. 

HCAOA is forming a workgroup to provide input to ACHA regarding specifics about how this increase will be implemented and monitored for compliance, especially regarding the “cause of action,” which means that an employee who does not receive $15/hour may sue his/her employer. 

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2. Are you willing to participate in this workgroup?

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3. If yes, please provide your contact information below so we can contact you with details about the workgroup’s meetings.