JFS Community Needs Survey


Thank you for participating in the JFS 2020 Community Needs Survey! The results of this study will help Jewish Family Services to better understand the makeup and needs of our community today, and to plan how to best focus JFS services for the next few years. This survey is both anonymous (no identifying information will be asked) and confidential (individual survey answers will only be seen by Jewish Family Services staff). The survey should take about ten minutes to complete, and please note that only one member of your household needs to take the survey. A report based on the results of this survey will be made available to the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation and to the community in October. Thank you again for your participation!
Section 1 – COVID-19 Response

The past several months have been troubling and unpredictable. JFS has launched the following programs: Person-to-Person Calling, Food Pantry Pickup & Delivery, Wellness Support Group, Tech Help, in order to address the effects of physical distancing and maintain individual safety, while still providing social support and addressing needs in the community.
1.Do you think that these programs have been helpful for the community?
2.What else, if anything, would you like to see JFS do to continue supporting the community during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Section 2 – Current JFS Programs and Services

JFS has provided many programs and services over the years to address recognized areas of need in the community. The questions in this section address what JFS staff and volunteers currently do in the community.
3.Which of the following programs through JFS are you aware of? Check all that apply.
4.Of the previously listed programs, which have you or someone in your household used within the last year. Check all that apply.
5.For each JFS program used, rate the effectiveness of the program on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=not helpful at all and 5= extremely helpful).
Not helpful
Sort of helpful
Very helpful
Extremely helpful
Food pantry
Gas and grocery assistance
Transportation assistance
Educational Programming (Yom Iyyun / Reflections Series)
Direct financial assistance (0% interest loan program, Direct Utility Bill Assistance)
Senior programming (Community Lunches, Tanglewood Trace)
Medicare/Medicaid Navigation program (Benton Harbor)
Solution-focused situational coaching
Assessment, consultation and referrals for local medical, mental health and social services
6.How would you rate the effectiveness of JFS on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=not helpful at all and 5= extremely helpful).
Not helpful
Somewhat helpful
Very Helpful
Extremely helpful
7.How likely are you to recommend JFS on a scale of 1 to 4 (1=Would not recommend and 4 = Definitely would recommend).
Would not recommend
Maybe would recommend
Probably would recommend
Definitely would recommend
8.Please provide any additional comments or suggestions about current JFS programming that can help JFS better serve your needs.
Section 3 – Potential New JFS Programs and Services

Jewish Family Services often receives suggestions for programs and services not currently offered, and is considering what services we can add to best serve the needs of the community. If many people would like and would use new programs and services, we will research how to best begin these services and launch them as soon as possible.
9.On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being not important at all, and 5 being extremely important, how important do you think that each of these areas of need is in our community?
Not important
Somewhat important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Health/wellness/nutrition education and programs
Mental health counseling/education
Substance Abuse counseling/education
Pastoral counseling (in conjunction with local Rabbis)
Disability Support Services
Topic or Interest-Based Support Groups (Interfaith Families, Divorce and Blended Families, Depression and Anxiety, etc.)
Senior Day Services, including transportation, activities, and meals
Referrals for Early Childhood Programs / Services
Employment and Career counseling/education
Assistance navigating entitlements (Medicare/Medicaid/SNAP Benefits)
10.Please check the programs/services you believe that the community would use in the next year.
11.Please check the programs/services you believe that your family/household would use in the next year.
12.If there are other human and social service programs that you would like to see JFS start, please list them here.
Section 4 – Demographic Information

JFS is collecting demographic information on households in our community to better understand what our community looks like now, and to anticipate potential community needs for the future. As previously stated, responses will be anonymous and confidential, and only used by JFS staff for research purposes.
13.Are you, or are members of your family : Check all that apply.
14.Your Age:
16.Marital Status
18.What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, highest degree received.
19.Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?
If married / Partnered, what is your spouse/partner's:
23.Spouse/Partner's Highest degree or level of school completed?
24.If married/partnered, which of the following categories best describes your spouse/partner's employment status?
25.If you have children or others living in the household, what are their ages?
26.Do you, or does anyone in your household have (check any that apply):
27.With which synagogue are you and/or your family/household affiliated? (check all that apply)
28.What is your family / household's means of transportation? Check all that apply.
29.Thank you for taking the time to complete the JFS Community Needs Survey! If you have any additional comments that you would like to make, please put them in the text box below. The results of the survey will be made into a report that will be available to the community in October. In the meantime, if you or your family need assistance from JFS, please feel free to contact any of our staff.
Current Progress,
0 of 29 answered