IASCA World Finals 2024 Points Exception Form

1.This form is to use for an exception of up to 50 points towards an invite to the IASCA 2024 World Finals. The deadline to file for an exception is September 22, 2024.


You may also use this form to get an exception for adding other formats to your invitation when other formats were not available (for example only SQC was offered at all your local shows).

To qualify for an invitation to compete at any IASCA season finale, Competitor Members must meet the following criteria:

• The current competition season runs from the prior year’s championship to the current year’s championship

• Competitor Members must accrue the minimum required amount of CAP points set for the season (75 points), to qualify for an invitation to the IASCA season finale, unless they fall within the exemptions listed on the next page. CAP points must be acquired before the points deadline, September 22, 2024. An approved exception will grant up to 50 points towards the 75 points required for an invitation.

• A Competitor Members’ membership must be purchased on or before September 8, 2024, to be eligible for an invitation to the 2024 IASCA Season Finale event. Click here for the current member list.

If a competitor attends and competes at every event available to them within a 250 mile radius of their home and there aren’t enough events within that area to earn their points, they can receive an invitation to compete by requesting an invitation through this form, with proof of the event schedule for their area and the shows they attended and competed at. However, if a competitor fails to compete at every event within that 250 mile radius and does not accrue the minimum amount of points, they will not receive an invitation.

Those active in the military, police, fire and/or ambulance (EMT) services, are exempt from the minimum qualifying points and receive an automatic invitation. As these individuals give of themselves to protect our freedom, cities and health, their outstanding contribution to society earns them the right to compete at Finals without having to meet the minimum requirements. Proof of service will be required when competing at Finals.

Certain individuals, like IASCA Certified Judges, dealers and promoters and IASCA Affiliate Country Members, who support IASCA through their services to our organization, earn the right to a Finals invitation to compete, based on their support of our organization. Competitor members who take the initiative and host shows themselves, (in areas where there are no event directors) can also receive an invitation to compete even though they may not have sufficient points. However, IASCA reserves the right to grant invitations, solely at the discretion of the staff of IASCA Worldwide Inc.

Please enter your name:
2.Do you have at least 25 CAP?  You must have at least 25 points from attending events to receive an exception of up to 50 points.(Required.)
3.Do you have a 2024 current (paid) membership?(Required.)
4.Member ID (you can find your ID by looking up your name in the results of your last event you attended on the downloads page):(Required.)
5.Address, City, State, and Zip Code(Required.)
6.Email address(Required.)
7.Select the formats which you would like to compete World Finals.(Required.)
8.Are you...(Required.)
9.If requesting an exception for your service in the military, police, fire and/or ambulance (EMT) services, have you emailed your proof to travis@iasca.com?
10.You should receive an email after the review of your submission with 72 hours (add another day if it's the weekend).

Please use the comment box below to provide any additional information you would like to help expedite the exception process.
Current Progress,
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