Wheeled Seated Mobility Curriculum Student Survey

This survey is designed to address your experience participating in the WSM Training Program. We are interested in your experience and feedback based on the WSM Training Program materials that you used.
1.Overall, upon completion of the WSM training program I feel I am prepared to work with:
2.For each of the following topics please rate your depth of learning.
Not Applicable
WSM Service Delivery Process
Sitting Posture
Pressure Injuries
Assessment Interview and Functional Mobility
Physical Assessment: Posture & Mat Exam
Physical Assessment: Upright Sitting
Wheeled Mobility Devices
Seating Support Systems
3.On average, each week I spent ____ hours on WSM content PREPARING outside of classroom time?
4.Outside classroom preparation content was
5.What did you like about the online learning modules?
6.How would you improve the online learning modules?
7.On average I spent ____ hours outside of classroom time on COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND HOMEWORK?
8.Course assignments and homework
9.In what ways did the course assignments and homework help you to learn the content?
10.How would you improve the course assignments and homework?
As you complete questions 11-14 refer to the definitions below.

Confidence refers to your feeling of reliance or certainty.

Independence refers to your feeling of autonomy, self-sufficiency and self-direction.

Recommending WSM equipment means proposing or suggesting particular manual or power wheelchair equipment features - matching a clients’ physical needs to a distinctive characteristic or part of a wheelchair (e.g. folding frame, rigid frame, swing away footrests, rigid foot platform, scissor wheel locks, push to lock wheel locks).

Specifying wheelchair seating mobility equipment means determining the exact manufacturer and model for the WSM components.
11.How confident are you in recommending WSM system features? (e.g. manual wheelchair, power wheelchair, seating)
12.How confident are you in specifying the recommendation for a specific WSM system? (e.g. manufacturer, model, size, components, etc.)
13.How independent do you feel in recommending a WSM system for your clients?
14.How independent do you feel in specifying a WSM system for your clients?
15.We would like to continually improve the WSM Curriculum. Please provide any additional comments that will help us make improvements.