2019 NICWA Communications Survey Thank you for participating in NICWA's communications survey! It will only take five minutes, and you'll be helping us shape the future of our work.As an added bonus, complete the survey and you will be entered to win a pair of handmade earrings from Chatterworks or two prints from Up All Night for Auroras. The deadline is Wednesday, January 23.Thanks, The NICWA Team Question Title * 1. NICWA's mission is dedicated to the well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native children and families. How strongly do you feel about the mission of our work? Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Comments: Question Title * 2. Which of the following topics are most interesting to you? Check all that apply. Youth Engagement Policy & Legal Developments Children’s Mental Health Member Profiles Child Welfare Juvenile Justice Foster Care and Adoption NICWA Events Help for Families NICWA Organizational Updates Indian Child Welfare Act Tips for Caseworkers Personal Stories Suggest Other Topics! Question Title * 3. What do you have the least interest in? Check all that apply. Foster Care and Adoption Child Welfare Personal Stories NICWA Organizational Updates Help for Families Indian Child Welfare Act Juvenile Justice NICWA Events Tips for Caseworkers Policy & Legal Developments Children’s Mental Health Youth Engagement Member Profiles Suggest Other Topics! Question Title * 4. Are there topics or areas of our work that you would like to hear more about? If so, what are they? Question Title * 5. How do you keep up-to-date on our work? Check all that apply. I read NICWA News (NICWA's quarterly publication for members and donors) I read NICWA's monthly events bulletin I read NICWA's monthly membership bulletin I read NICWA's Where We've Been email updates I follow NICWA on Twitter I follow NICWA on Facebook I follow NICWA on LinkedIn I read NICWA's Annual Report I attend NICWA's annual conference I attend NICWA's training institutes I connect with NICWA staff members (email, phone, or in-person) Other (please specify) 50% of survey complete. Next