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As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has really had an impact on in-person training in all industries.  Training and conferences have been canceled across the country.  Unfortunately, the Tennessee Adjuster Certification Program has been impacted, too.  We have had to cancel the certification classes that were scheduled for both May and August.  We are left wondering whether we will be able to have any of the other in-person classes scheduled this year.

This uncertainty is causing us to consider other options for delivering this important training.  While we believe that there are many advantages to in-person training (networking with other attendees, meeting and interacting with Bureau leadership, asking questions directly to the subject matter experts, etc.), they are not worth the current risk to everyone’s health.  And, we also know that many employers have put travel restrictions in place to cut costs. Those concerns, along with requests from some adjusters about online training, have led us to consider offering this certification in an online format.  Before we decide, we would like your input. 

As you might already know, our in-person training consisted of two full days of instruction followed by a test.  There are about 12 hours of actual training sessions spread over the two days.  Adjusters that attended both days and passed the test achieved the “Certified Adjuster” distinction that is valid for at least two years.  Any online training that we provide would include all of the same information (and the test) but its delivery would be modified for viewing on your computer.  We would include networking opportunities and team-building exercises and opportunities to meet Bureau leadership virtually. 

Will you please take just a couple of minutes to answer the following eight questions?  Your replies will be anonymous but will provide us with valuable information as we consider how best to proceed.

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* 1. Does your company currently have travel restrictions in place that would prevent you from attending an in-person training event conducted in Tennessee?

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* 2. What is your personal comfort level attending an in-person training event?

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* 3. Please describe your level of interest in achieving the “Certified Adjuster” distinction:

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* 4. If the current pandemic prevents the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation from conducting in-person Adjuster Certification classes for the rest of 2020, how would you describe your interest in participating in this training if it were offered online?

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* 5. What factor(s) affect the level of your interest?
(select all that apply)

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* 6. If online training were offered, which of the following scheduling formats would you prefer?

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* 7. What price point would prevent you from being allowed to participate in an online training course to achieve the “Certified Adjuster” distinction?

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* 8. If an online training course were offered, what would be the impact on your achieving the “Certified Adjuster” distinction?

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