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Social Media Resource Request
Get FREE support with your student assignment, internal presentation or job interview preparation.
Email address
LinkedIn profile
Your role
Other (please specify)
Please describe what resource you are seeking.
Provide as much detail as possible about the request - for example background to the project, industry/sector details, job description overview.
What's the big question you are trying to answer with this resource?
When do you require the resource information?
Please allow at least 5 working days for your request.
Terms and Conditions:
This free resource service is specifically designed for educational purposes, to support presentations within the internal context of organisations, and for job interview preparation. It is not intended for activities that are directly aimed at generating new business, revenue, or profit, including the generation of content such as blogs, white papers, books or social media posts.
The information provided is for the requester's use only.
The information provided in the request form will be treated with confidentiality and will not be shared with third parties.
Luan Wise will communicate with the requester using the provided contact information for clarification, additional details, or in case of challenges fulfilling the request.
Luan Wise will make her best effort to find and provide relevant data and resources based on the information provided in the request form.
Luan Wise will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of the information provided. Users are encouraged to independently verify the information for their specific needs.
This free resource service may be discontinued at any time without prior notice.
By submitting a request, the requester agrees to abide by these terms and conditions.
For any queries, please email