The White River Project was set up to investigate issues along the St Austell River and seek to improve things. In addition to the St Austell River itself, the project area now encompasses the whole river catchment, from source to sea, including the Gover Stream, Polgooth Stream and all the minor tributaries, aiming to bring improvements to many areas including addressing pollution as well as promoting wildlife, heritage, healthy living and economic activity.

We are now seeking further input from you, the local community, to understand what your priorities for the river catchment are and how this project can help to make the St Austell River area a better place to be. Please see the project map where you found the link to the survey to see the catchment area.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. In what capacity are you answering this survey? (Please select as many as apply)

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* 4. How often do you spend time outside visiting or using the river catchment?

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* 5. What are your reasons for visiting or using the river catchment? (Please select as many as apply)

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* 6. What are your priorities for improvements to the river catchment? (Rate each for their level of importance to you)

  Highest priority High Priority Of some importance Low Priority Lowest Priority
Create new business opportunities
Create new opportunities for outdoor pursuits (cycling, etc)
Improve access for all (including wheelchairs, pushchairs and accessible bicycles)
Reducing the risk of flooding
Promote historic features along the river
Create new multi-use trail links within the catchment
Create places for seating, picnic or play
Create new habitats and wildlife corridors (e.g. wetlands, wet woodland)
Reintroduce native species (otters/ beavers/ water voles, etc)
Improve conditions for fish populations
Remove invasive species
Reduce sewage pollution
Reduce mining pollution

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* 7. Have you ever encountered any problems or issues whilst visiting or trying to visit areas along the St Austell River? If so what are they? (Pollution/ access/ lack of signage, etc)

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* 8. Do you have any ideas for specific locations that would benefit from improvements to the river? Where would they be and what would you like to see done there?

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* 9. It has been suggested that the name of the project should be updated from ‘The White River Project’. If this were to happen, what would you like it to be?

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* 10. Overall, how would you rate the need for improvements within the White River catchment?

No improvements needed Some minor improvements needed In need of major improvements
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 11. If you have any other comments about the White River Project please add them below: