Child protection discussion paper - young people's feedback 2024

My name is Jacqueline McGowan-Jones, and I am the Commissioner for Children and Young People for Western Australia.

My office and I work hard to make a better world for all children and young people. We:
  • stand up for children and young people’s rights
  • listen to what children and young people have to say
  • tell everyone about the great ideas children and young people have and the great things they do.

You can visit our website to learn more about what we do.

I have created discussion papers on four key priority areas which include youth justice, health and mental health, education and child protection and they can be found online.

I am now asking for your feedback as a young person in WA, on how we can improve the lives of children and young people in these four areas.

Your voices matter.
1.First name(Required.)
2.Do you want to share your ideas on how we can make out of home care better for children and young people?(Required.)
3.How old are you?(Required.)
All questions below are optional. You might choose to answer one, some or all.
4.Children and young people can’t always choose if they go into care or where they go. How can we make sure adults listen to what children and young people want?
5.How would you like to keep in contact with people and places that you care about?
6.if you need to get help with your health and mental health, is that easy to do? What could be better?
7.If you are older, what would make it easier for you leaving care?
8.What can we do to make things better for you if you are living away from your culture or community?
9.Who and what would be the best way to help you if you have problems in care?
Thank you for sharing your ideas with me. If you would like to share more feedback than can fit in the above spaces, please email