
Activity #: 20-1218890

Activity Title: When Minutes Matter - Sepsis: A Comprehensive Guide to Early Recognition and Management

Number of Nursing Contact Hours: 1.0

Number of Continuing Medical Education (CME) Hours: 0.00

ASAO Consulting utilizes CE Broker for CE Credit. CE Broker is the official continuing education tracking system of the Florida Department of Health.

Three months after you complete a course, you will receive an e-mail asking you to complete a follow-up survey. This is vital to our educational requirements so we can report our quality outcomes and effectiveness.

Statement of Disclosure:

  1. Participants must attend the entire session to earn contact hour credit. The learner's initial/signature on the roster will verify participation.
  2. Planners and presenters have declared the absence or presence of any real or perceived conflict of interest that might influence the planning of this activity. These presenters have identified the following real or perceived conflicts of interest: None.
  3. No commercial support has influenced the educational objectives' planning or this activity's content.
  4. If any commercial support were provided for this activity, it would be used for events unrelated to continuing education.
  5. There is no endorsement of any product by the provider or CE broker associated with this activity.
  6. No presentation is expected to relate to products governed by the Food and Drug Administration. However, during this activity, if there is a discussion related to such products, FDA-approved and non-approved uses will be disclosed to participants.