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Purpose: This survey is part of a larger study that seeks to develop a better understanding of rural men’s diverse mental health experiences and what they need to live healthier lives. In this phase of the research, we are collecting information from Manitoba farmers because they face distinct stresses in their work.

Participation: If you wish to participate, you can complete a confidential online survey. This survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes.  

Confidentiality: The survey data will be completely anonymous. Any combination of information that could be used to identify you, will not be presented together in reports or presentations to protect your confidentiality. 

Communication of Results: Results from this research will be shared in presentations, research journals, and through possible future press releases and media interviews with the researchers.

Potential Risks and Benefits: Participation in the study will pose no greater risk than an everyday conversation. In the long-term, we hope that the information learned from this study will inform policies and programs that better support rural men experiencing stress and mental health issues.

Withdrawal from the Study: Once you have submitted your anonymous survey, you will not be able to withdraw from the study, as your responses will not be linked to your name.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Rachel Herron, Brandon University, ( or 204 727-9771). This study has been reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Board at Brandon University. For questions regarding participants’ rights and ethical conduct of research, contact the Brandon University Research Office, (204 727-9712).

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Need to Know Survey for Farmers Mental Health.

Please answer all the questions to the best of your ability.

Question Title

* 1. What type of farm do you operate? (select all that apply)

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* 2. What is the size of your operation? (select one)

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* 3. Over the last 12 months, what was your average time contribution to this agricultural operation? (select one)

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* 4. Do you work off farm? (select one)

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* 5. In general, would you say your physical health is…? (select one)

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* 6. In general, would you say your mental health is…? (select one)

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* 7. What do you do when you are feeling down? (type your answer below)

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* 8. Have you seen or spoken with any of the following people about your mental health? (select all that apply)

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* 9. If you circled any of the above services, how helpful did you find this support? (select one)

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* 10. What if any barriers do you face accessing mental support? (select all that apply)

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* 11. What time of day would you be most likely to access remote mental health services? (select all that apply)

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* 12. How important is it to you that the person you speak with about mental health issues has knowledge of farming? (select one)

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* 13. How important is it to you to talk to another man about your mental health? (select one)

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* 14. In your opinion, how adequate are the information/resources available to Manitoba farmers about mental health? (select one)

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* 15. Please rank the following mental health supports from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important)?

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* 16. What, if any, additional mental health supports do Manitoba farmers need? (type your answer below)

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* 17. What year were you born? (type your answer below)

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* 18. With what gender do you identify? (type your answer below)

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* 19. If you are you interested in participating in an interview or focus group about rural men’s mental health, please provide your name and an email or phone number below (note: your name and contact information will not be connected to your survey responses).

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