Feedback Survey

This evaluation of the QMHC report Social Housing: Systemic issues for tenants with complex needs is to inform us of the quality and effectiveness of the work we produce. 

Please take three minutes to answer this questionnaire.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
The objectives / intent for the product (report) were clearly outlined
The topics covered by the product were relevantg and addressed the objectives
The product contributes new information tot he broader understanding of the topic/s
The information outlined in the product is accurate and credible
I discovered information, resources and/or services I was no previously aware of
I have, or plan to, change my practice or work place as a result of what I learned through this product
I have an understanding of the intended product impact on the lives of mental illness consumers, carers and/or families