
The purpose of this survey is to gather data for proposal development and discussion during the upcoming CVII Workshop, planned for 1 July.  

In this first section, the questions collect a little information about you and your organization.  Please note that all questions on this page are mandatory and must be answered prior to advancing to the next page.

Question Title

* 1. Is your company currently a member of these organizations (Select all that apply)?

Question Title

* 2. How would you categorize your company's business?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your understanding of the below listed technologies

  Don't Know at All Basic Understanding Intermediate Understanding Advanced Understanding
Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
Vehicle Interface Service Specification (VISS)
Vehicle Service Catalog (VSC)
Franca Interface Description Language (Franca IDL)

Question Title

* 4. How many CVII activities have you been involved (viewed or participated) in since the start, including W3C meetings, GENIVI AMMs and Technical, targeted CVII workshops, and Webinars?

Question Title

* 6. In which CVII-related area would you consider engaging if you can / could commit some of your time? (Select all that apply)