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* 1. What are the project deliverables? What do you need help with? e.g. website development, content strategy, training workshop, persona development, rebranding, conversion optimisation, consulting etc.

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* 2. How will we know if we’ve been successful with the project deliverables? What is your <boss/board/colleagues> expecting from this engagement? What has failed previously with similar projects?

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* 3. What organisational need does this project satisfy? How does this project help your customers/ students/ end users? 

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* 4. Who will likely be on the project team (both internally & externally) what are their roles and responsibilities

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* 5. During projects, clients sometimes change priorities to meet other goals. To help us plan ahead, please note your flexibility on the “Iron Triangle of Project Management”

  Very Flexible Somewhat Flexible Somewhat INflexible Not Flexible at All

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* 6. Do you have an existing internal approval process for the work we’re doing in this engagement? If so, please describe the workflow.

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* 7. What are your preferred methods & tools for communication during this project e.g. email, chat, project management, file storage 

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* 8. If you worked with agencies or freelancers before? What did you like and not like about what they did?