Thank you for your interest in Kopanya's "Being Fully Human: Dismantling Race and Racism in Conscious Community" course. In 2024, this course will be offered both as a facilitated group course and a guided self-study, depending on the needs of each person and the recommendations of the facilitators.

To register, please provide us with some background information. All the information you provide here will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone without your permission.

The course fee is R3000 (plus VAT of R450) or $225, or 210 Euro, which covers all the course calls (for the group option), 6 comprehensive workbooks and personalised support from the facilitators over the 12-weeks of the course. (We don't want cost to be a barrier for anyone, so if you would like to be considered for a subsidised course fee or a 3-month payment plan, please indicate below.)

The dates and times of each of the 6 online calls for the group option will be shared once the course dates for 2024 have been set. For the self-study option, you can begin the course at any time and the one-on-one coaching sessions can be scheduled with your facilitator as needed.

Once we receive this information, we will send you more detailed information about the course, including facilitator profiles, process for payment, etc.

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* 1. Please provide us with your personal details:

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* 2. What sparked your interest to join this course?

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* 3. Name one challenge around race/racism that you are currently sitting with:

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* 4. Name one conversation or experience where you felt empowered and/or encouraged in talking about race or racism?

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* 5. We have designed the course to offer value for individuals seeking change and greater awareness in their organisations or communities, as well as at a personal level, so it will help us to know the following (but only if applicable for you):

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* 6. What do you hope to get out of this course? Is there anything specific you would like for us to look at?

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* 7. Please indicate whether you would prefer to be part of the facilitated group option or to do the course as a guided self-study:

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* 8. Where did you hear about this course?

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* 9. Please provide us with your contact information:

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* 10. Do you have any (dis)ability that you would like us to be aware of so that we can better accommodate you on the course?

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* 11. As mentioned above, we don't want cost to be a barrier for anyone. If you would like to be considered for a subsidised rate or payment plan to attend the course, please let us know your reasons below.

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* 12. Anything else you would like for us to know?