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* 1. What attracted you to apply for a career at sea?

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* 2. How did you hear about a career in the Merchant Navy?

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* 3. What aspects of a career at sea appeal to you?

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* 4. What challenges do you think you might face whilst at sea?

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* 5. Was the opportunity to have a fully sponsored course of study important to you?

Not Important Something to consider Very important

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* 6. Thinking about both your college studies and time at sea (if applicable), how have you enjoyed your training so far?

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* 7. What part of the industry would you like to work in post qualification? I.e. cruises, offshore, tanker etc

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* 8. Would you recommend a Cadetship in the Merchant Navy?

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* 9. Why would you recommend a Cadetship?

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* 10. Would you be interested in being involved in a promotional campaign to raise the profile of careers at sea?

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* 11. If you would like to be involved further, please leave us an email address to stay in contact. DISCLAIMER data will only be used to make initial contact with you. Contact details will only be used for the sole purpose of this project.