Engaging Hispanic and Latino Communities in Evidence-Based Programs

You are an integral part of the important work in advancing culturally competent health initiatives in Hispanic and Latino communities. Please use this form to share stories, successful strategies, and templates with others doing this work. All resources will be added here. Additionally, if you would like to stay connected to NCOA's National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Resource Center for updates, please share your email address.

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* 1. Enter your e-mail address to be notified of future events and resources on this topic.

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* 2. For future events and resources, what topics would you most like to learn about or discuss about engaging Hispanic and Latino communities in evidence-based programs?

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* 3. Do you have tools and templates for effectively serving Hispanic and Latino communities with evidence based programs that you would like to share with others? (for example: marketing materials, recommendations for connecting with partners, leader recruitment or training materials, etc.)

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* 4. Upload any tools or templates here.

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* 5. Do you have participant success stories that you would like to share?