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Housing and Service Needs Estimation Survey
We want affordable housing!
This survey was created to help us understand housing challenges.
We want better, more affordable housing in the region, and we need to know how many people need this in order to advocate to the Government and funders.
Your answers will help us identify the type of affordable housing needs in community.
PROCEDURE Time required: 10 minutes. - This survey contains questions regarding your current/past living situations, employment, and citizenship/immigration status. People of diverse backgrounds are subject to discrimination and may have additional challenges we need to address. - If you feel uncomfortable at any point, you are free to skip any of the questions or stop the survey. - Staff members are available to answer any questions regarding the survey.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND DATA PROTECTION - By continuing with this survey, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information for the purposes described above. - A unique identifier will be assigned to the information you provide in this survey and your full name will not be used in the survey. - Physical and electronic copies of the data (where available) will be stored and protected using adequate safeguards like password-protected computers.
RIGHT TO WITHDRAW - Your participation is completely voluntary. - You can skip questions if you wish. If you skip questions, your responses to other questions will still be recorded. - You can stop at any time without affecting your access to services. If you stop the survey at any point, none of your information will be used.
Draw Entry: If you choose to enter the weekly $50 draw for a gift card, you will have to provide your name. This information will NOT be included with your survey data. One draw entry is allowed per person. Chance of winning depend on the number of surveys filled out that week. Approximate odds: 1 in 15.