Dear HCA Members,

We hope this message finds you well. As an organization committed to promoting the growth and sustainability of the Hawaii coffee industry, the Hawaii Coffee Association (HCA) strives to provide initiatives and programs that meet the needs of our members.

To that end, we would like to assess your satisfaction with the initiatives and programs currently offered by the association. Your feedback will help us identify areas of strength and areas for improvement and enable us to better serve you and the Hawaii coffee industry as a whole.

We kindly ask that you take a few minutes to complete the following survey. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the purposes of improving our initiatives and programs.

Thank you in advance for your participation and ongoing support of the HCA.

Matthew Lu
Communication & Education Committee Chair
Hawaii Coffee Association

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* 1. Are you satisfied with the Annual Cupping Competition?

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* 2. Do you find the educational programs and resources provided by the association to be valuable?

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* 3. Are you satisfied with the association's advocacy efforts on behalf of the Hawaii coffee industry?

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* 4. Is HCA supporting a sustainable future of Hawaii coffee?

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* 5. How effective do you think the association's marketing and promotion efforts have been in promoting Hawaii coffee?

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* 6. How likely are you to recommend membership in the HCA to other coffee industry professionals?

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* 7. Please rank the following HCA initiative as most important to least important for your membership (1 being most important):

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* 8. What other initiatives would you like to see HCA take on in the future?

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* 9. How satisfied are you with HCA’s membership benefit package?

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* 10. Do you have any interest in serving on the Board of Directors or on a committee for the HCA?

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* 11. Do you have any additional comments or feedback you would like to provide?