The Daedalus mission has been proposed to the European Space Agency (ESA) in response to the call for ideas for the Earth Observation programme’s 10th Earth Explorer (EE10). It is currently one of three candidates for implementation, completing a Phase-0 Science and Requirements Consolidation study. The overarching goal of Daedalus is to fundamentally advance our understanding of the energetics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere-space transition region, and of the neutral-plasma interactions that shape it. The mission design shall allow Daedalus to perform in-situ measurements of plasma density and temperature, ion drift, neutral density and wind, ion and neutral composition, electric and magnetic fields, and of energetic particles in the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere (LTI) region, targeting in particular the 100-200 km range. More information on Daedalus can be found at:

The survey below aims to help identify how Daedalus data products will be used. Whereas addressing all of the questions is not required to successfully complete the survey, responses will greatly help us to get feedback from the wider scientific community on the usage of Daedalus data & products related to your research.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the required information:

Question Title

* 2. Question: Which Daedalus Science Objectives are you most interested in?

Question Title

* 3. Question: How likely are you to use the following Daedalus primary products?(Ionosphere parameters, Electric and Magnetic Field, Neutral Parameters, Energetic Precipitating Particles)

  highly unlikely unlikely not sure likely very likely
Ion Drift velocity
Ion Temperature
Electron Temperature
Plasma Density
Ion composition
Electric Field, DC (AC)
Magnetic Field
Neutral Winds
Neutral Temperature
Neutral mass density
Satellite drag / aerodynamic acceleration
Neutral composition
Precipitating e-
Precipitating i+

Question Title

* 4. Question: How likely are you to use the following Daedalus derived products?(Heating products, Conductivity, Collision frequencies and Collision Cross-Sections, Additional potential derived products)

  highly unlikely unlikely not sure likely very likely
Joule-Ohmic-Frictional Heating
Poynting Vector in the neutral gas frame
Energetic Particle Precipitation
Heating by electron impact ionisation
Heat transfer to the neutral gas by ion and e- cooling
Pedersen Conductivity
Hall Conductivity
Parallel Conductivity
Ion-Neutral Cross Sections
Ion-Neutral Collision Frequency
Perpendicular Current
Hall and Pedersen Currents
Magnetic Forcing (MF)
Field Aligned Currents (FAC)
Magnetic Field Residuals
Vertical gradients of basic parameters from two vertically separated satellites
Temporal variability from along-track separated satellites
Indicator for gravity wave activity - gravity wave momentum flux
Indicator for deviation from hydrostatic equilibrium
Plasma bubble index (like the Swarm product)

Question Title

* 5. Question: Which of the following aspects of Daedalus do you find specifically interesting, related to your research?

  No interest Moderate Interest  High interest Highest interest
Lower-most altitudes targeted have scarcely been sampled in-situ (150 km nominal perigee altitude, 120 km lowermost perigee at selected descents)
Daedalus provides global latitude-magnetic local time coverage
In-situ neutral parameters measured include neutral composition, neutral winds, neutral mass density
In-situ plasma parameters measured include ion composition, ion drifts, ion-electron density, ion and electron temperatures
Electric and magnetic fields
Energetic particle precipitation measurements
Combined measurements of neutrals, plasmas and fields

Question Title

* 6. Question: Which of the following best describes the usage of Daedalus data & products related to your research?

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* 7. Question: What complementary data, current or planned, do you expect the most mutual benefit from using together with Daedalus measurements?

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* 8. Question: Do you foresee any other uses of Daedalus data, or can you provide more detailed usage examples?