Answering this survey should not take you more than 10 minutes.
Répondre à ce questionnaire ne devrait pas vous prendre plus de 10 minutes.
Заполнение этого опросника не должно занять более 10 минут.
Responder a esta encuesta no debería llevarle más de 10 minutos.
يُتوقع ألا يستغرق الرد على هذا الاستبيان أكثر من 10 دقيقة

Questions for SYMET 

Question Title

* 1.
For you, what was the most useful aspect of the Symposium on Education and Training SYMET-XIII this year? 

Question Title

* 2. Are you pleased with the outcomes of SYMET-XIII? Explain.

Question Title

* 3.
What suggestions for improvements to the procedures of SYMET-XIII would you like to make?

Question Title

* 4.
Overall, how would you rate the SYMET-XIII organization and planning?

Question Title

* 5. Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with SYMET-XIII?

Questions for those attending the WMO RTC Director’s Meeting, Thursday 2 November

Question Title

* 6.
 For you, what was the most useful aspect of the WMO RTC Directors Meeting this year?

Question Title

* 7. Are you pleased with the outcomes of the meeting? Explain.

Question Title

* 8.
Overall, how would you rate the WMO RTC Directors Meeting organization and planning?

Question Title

* 9. Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with WMO RTC Directors Meeting?

Question Title

* 10. What additional improvements would you like to suggest for future meetings?