Australian Car Wash Association State Meeting Survey

The Australian Car Wash Association conducts State Meetings for members during the year. 

These meetings often incorporate a visit to a new or interesting car wash site followed by an opportunity to share a meal and enjoy the company of other car wash operators and suppliers at a nearby venue (most often the local pub).

We want to make sure that ACWA's State Meetings deliver the best possible experience and value for members. 

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to help us to understand your preferences and interests better.

1.Have you attended an Australian Car Wash Association State Meeting in the past?
2.I would be most likely to attend an Australian Car Wash Association State Meeting if it was held in the following format. (Select one)(Required.)
3.In which state or territory do you reside?
4.I currently live in (select one)
5.What type of State Meetings would you find the most valuable?
6.Thinking about State meetings with guest speakers, what topics would be of most interest? (you may select more than one option)
No Interest 
A little interested
Moderately Interested
Very Interested
Staff and human resources issues management
Industrial relations and wages
Work health and safety
Environmental protection and regulatory issues
New car wash product presentations
Presentations from leading car wash operators
7.Some car wash operators believe there are valuable lessons to be learned by seeing how others set up and manage their car wash sites, particularly new developments and unusual sites.

How important is incorporating a car wash site inspection as part of the State Meeting itinerary? (Select One)
8.Some members have asked us to consider introducing an annual Member's Tour.  Please rank your interest in joining the following concepts:
Not Interested in participating
I might be interested in participating
I am interested in participating
I am very interested in participating
Regional car wash site inspection(s) followed by golf and a social event (overnight stay)
A full day metropolitan bus tour incorporating several suburban car wash site inspections
An half day metropolitan tour incorporating visits to a minimum of two car wash sites
A regional bus tour incorporating inspections of a number of regional car wash sites
9.Additional Suggestions: Please feel free to provide any additional suggestions or ideas to enhance the State Meetings and encourage higher attendance: