We invite you to visit NMPED's ESSA Plan webpage which contains supporting documents or select Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants--revised language (pdf) for access to the PDF.

Question Title

* 2. Use of Funds (ESEA section 4103(c)(2)(A)): Describe how the SEA will use funds received under Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 for State-level activities.

NMPED proposes to use Title IV, Part A funds to support:
  • Implementation of a Restorative Justice Practices Program to reduce suspensions and expulsions while increasing academic achievement and attendance by:
    • Creating a robust evidence-based restorative justice practice guide;
    • Providing LEAs technical assistance, professional learning opportunities and statewide trainings to alternatives to suspension;
    • Collaborating with relevant stakeholders to garner support for restorative justice and trauma-responsive practices;
    • Identification, evaluation and validation of general education discipline data to create timely, data-informed policies and procedures;
    • Improving data collection tools and processes of discipline reporting through STARS/NOVA; and,
    • Creating an interactive New Mexico Discipline Data dashboard to be published on NMPED website.
  • Funding positions and programming that support an Academic Enrichment Program to support academic success for expectant and parenting youth and other at-risk populations. The use of these funds include:
    • Targeting support for and awareness of students and families in need of state and community resources to address, remediate and improve individual students’ attendance rates;
    • Additional positions that coordinate New Mexico’s education programs including community schools, out-of-school time programs and K-12 Plus (an Increased, Expanded and Enriched Learning program);
    • Supporting the New Mexico Graduation, Reality and Dual-Role Skills (NM GRAD) programs for expectant and parenting teens; and,
    • Supporting the fiscal and programmatic performance of these programs.
  • Funding positions and programming that supports the state’s Community Schools Programing, out-of-school time programs and K-12 Plus, and an increased, expanded and enriched learning program.
    • These services target student needs, including cultural and linguistic needs, of the whole student from early childhood programs and voluntary prekindergarten through high school graduation.

Question Title

* 3. Awarding Subgrants (ESEA section 4103(c)(2)(B)): Describe how the SEA will ensure that awards made to LEAs under Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 are in amounts that are consistent with ESEA section4105(a)(2).

NMPED proposes to allocate Title IV, Parts A in accordance with the statutory requirements as follows:
  • Title IV Part A awards will be calculated by determining each LEA‘s percentage of the Title I Part A award from the prior year and multiplying those percentages by 95 percent of New Mexico’s Title IV Part A award.
  • NMPED will ensure that all subawards made to LEAs will comply with the minimum requirement of 4105(a)(2) by ratably reducing larger awards to increase the awards for those with allocations less than $10,000.

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