Each year, the Municipality prepares an operating budget and capital budget for the upcoming year, a 3-year operating plan, and a 10-year capital plan.

Through this survey, your comments will help guide our efforts to meet your service expectations. The feedback you provide is extremely important in helping Council make the most informed decisions on behalf of our Municipality. Thank you for your time. We anticipate this survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. How did you hear about the Municipality 2025 Budget Survey?

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* 2. How long have you lived in Crowsnest Pass?

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* 3. What is your accommodation status?

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* 4. Is the Crowsnest Pass your primary residence?

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. What do you consider as the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass' strengths and unique features?  Rank in order of importance 

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* 7. Please rank in the order that you feel require the most attention from Council and Municipal Administration

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* 8. Please rate the following municipally-funded services based on how well you think the services are being delivered in the Crowsnest Pass.

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Don't Know Somewhat Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied
General Administrative and Customer Services
Protective Services: Fire, Peace Officer, Environmental Services
Transportation: Roads, Sidewalks, Snow removal
Operations: Water, Sewers, Storm water, Solid waste
Libraries and Cultural Facilities
Parks and Recreational Services
Planning and Development Services, Building Inspections
Planning, Tourism, Economic Development
Pass Powderkeg and Pass Pool

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* 9. In addition to property taxes you currently pay, would you support a dedicated 1% increase to property tax rates to specifically fund the rehabilitation of municipal assets and infrastructure?

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* 10. What statement best represents your position regarding taxation in the Crowsnest Pass?

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* 11. To balance the Budget as required by law, the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass has a number of options to consider. Which of the following options would you prefer the Municipality use to balance its budget?

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* 12. Council is constantly faced with deciding how to spend a finite budget. We want to know your thoughts on Municipality spending. Please tell us which services are most important to you.

  Very Important Somewhat Important Undecided Somewhat Unimportant Very Unimportant
Protective services: fire response, emergency response, environmental services, bylaw enforcement
Parks and Trails: Maintenance and growth of the park system
Recreation Programs and Services: Pass Powderkeg, MDM, Crowsnest Sports Complex, Pass Pool, Corner Hub
Roads, Snow Removal, Street Sweeping
Water, Sewer, Garbage, Recycling
Libraries and Cultural Facilities & Programs, FCSS Programming
Communications, Public input, Open houses, Transparency
Economic Development: Business retention and attraction, Tourism, Resident attraction

Question Title

* 13. Are there any new initiatives, programs or services you would like Council to consider in the 2025 Budget that were not mentioned in this survey?