How the Emotionally Sensitive Make Decisions This survey was developed to learn more about the way emotionally sensitive people approach decision making. Please complete the survey only if you consider yourself an emotionally sensitive person. Thank you for helping us better understand the lives of emotionally sensitive people. Please answer as many questions as you can. Question Title * 1. What is your age? Under 18 18 to 21 21 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 over 50 Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Female Male Question Title * 3. In what city do you live? Question Title * 4. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Did not graduate from high school Graduated from high school 1 year of college 2 years of college 3 years of college Graduated from college Advanced degree Some graduate school Completed graduate school Question Title * 5. When you are faced with a decision to make, what is that like for you? Question Title * 6. When you are in a group, what is it like for you to express your likes and dislikes? Question Title * 7. In general, do you make decisions quickly, slowly, or avoid making them? How does that affect your life? Question Title * 8. Do you ask for advice? If so, who do you typically ask? Question Title * 9. Are you usually satisfied with your decisions once you have made them? Question Title * 10. What do you consider the most difficult part of making decisions? Question Title * 11. Most of the time would you say you make decisions based on emotions, logical thinking, or the influence of other people? How well does that work for you? Question Title * 12. How would you rate yourself in terms of making effective decisions? Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Question Title * 13. How much do you worry after you have made a decision? Not at all A little Some A lot I obsess Question Title * 14. What types of decisions are most difficult for you? Question Title * 15. What types of decisions are easiest for you? Question Title * 16. In general, when you are thinking of possible choices, do you consider what the best outcome might be or which think more about what could be the least scary, or other thoughts? Question Title * 17. Who makes most of your decisions and does that work well for you? Question Title * 18. How do your friends and family usually react to your decisions? Question Title * 19. When you were young, did your family encourage you to make decisions? Did they help you learn how to make decisions? Were they able to make decisions easily? Question Title * 20. What results do you usually expect when you make a decision? Question Title * 21. What would you like to add about the way you make decisions? Question Title * 22. Thank you for your answers. In the next few months I would like to talk with a few people about being emotionally sensitive. If you would be willing to talk with me, please leave contact information--your name, phone and email address. Thank you. Done