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ND Statewide Planning Survey
North Dakota Statewide Planning Issues & Needs Survey
This survey is the foundation of an interim legislative study focused on identifying planning concerns across the state of North Dakota. The study is a cooperative effort between the ND Planning Association (NDPA), ND League of Cities, ND Association of Counties (NDACo), and ND Township Officers Association (NDTOA).
Audience for this survey:Zoning Administrators, Planners, Planning & Zoning Commission/Board members and elected officials of all North Dakota’s cities, counties and townships.If your role does not fall into one of those categories, please do not take the survey, but encourage individuals in those roles to complete the survey on behalf of your city/county/township.
Aims of this survey: 1) To gather baseline data about planning and zoning practices and resources from every city, county and township in North Dakota. 2) To find out what the most urgent planning and zoning challenges and needs are for your city/county/township.
Directions:this survey consists of 21 questions. All questions on the survey are required, unless otherwise indicated. For open-ended questions, please be as detailed as possible and offer as many examples or comments as you would like.
Notes: 1) individual-level survey results will not be shared. Data and responses will be aggregated into broader categories. 2) in this survey “Zoning Administrator” means the person within your city/county/township who handles planning and zoning related responsibilities, whether or not their official title reflects that role.