In April 2024, the NCA issued an alert to education settings across the UK to raise awareness of financially motivated sexual extortion (often known in the media as 'sextortion'). This survey is exploring the impact of this alert. Your insights as a professional working with children and young people are invaluable to us. We hope to use the findings from this survey to better inform the law enforcement, educational, and wider response to this emerging threat area.

This survey includes three sections and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

Please note, this survey is not a reporting tool. If you need to report an incident of financially motivated sexual extortion, please follow your organisation's safeguarding practices or report to your local police.

You can view the alert here:

Question Title

* 1. What setting do you work in?

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* 2. Which UK nation is your setting in?

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* 3. Were you aware of the alert before now?