Consultation 10 June 2024

The policies of Woodbury Neighbourhood Plan are shown below.
The Policies in the Woodbury Neighbourhood Plan are indicated with tick boxes to indicate whether you ‘support’ (yes) or ‘do not support’ (no) each policy. There is also a comments box for each policy where you can suggest alterations or amendments as you wish. If making a comment please use the relevant policy and clause reference number from the Consultation Document.

We ask for an email address and a post code to enable us to respond to replies and also to be able to notify you of future consultations.

Thank you for your time and effort in responding to this questionnaire, your responses will be used in drafting the final version of the Woodbury Neighbourhood Plan for submission to EDDC. You will have the opportunity to approve the final Neighbourhood Plan in a referendum. Any additional comments can be sent to:

Question Title

* 2. Post Code

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* 3. Policy 1: New Housing Developments
P1.1 Housing development proposals for multiple dwellings must provide a mix of sizes and types which reflect the needs identified through an up-to-date Housing Needs Survey or at any scheme specific or wider public consultation on major proposals including opportunities for self-build and affordable housing with a specific focus on the provision for social rent.
P1.2 High design quality should conform to the local character as set out in the Woodbury Design Guidance document (Appendix C).
P1.3 Development must be in sustainable and accessible locations and will have due regard to access to regular and reliable public transport and reduced dependency or car use whilst also recognising the importance of disabled access.
P1.4 Future developments should avoid adverse direct environmental impacts and where not possible must demonstrate that they will mitigate against any adverse environmental effect on the Parish and protect local open spaces which are currently actively enjoyed or used by residents.

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* 4. Policy 2: Retention of Affordable Homes

P2.1 New dwellings originally built and intended to be used as affordable housing must be made available in a way that they can be retained as affordable housing.

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* 5. Policy 3: Accessibility of New Development

P3.1 Proposals for development must demonstrate, through a Transport Assessment, how safe access to sustainable transport, including dedicated cycleways, walkways and public transport, have been included in the scheme.
P3.2 Any new housing developments must provide pedestrian access to link up with existing or proposed footpaths, ensuring that the public can walk safely to bus stops, schools and other village facilities including providing safety measures to enable the safe crossing of roads.

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* 6. Policy 4: Assessment of Cumulative Impact

P4.1 Any development of more than ten dwellings within the Parish must have an assessment of the cumulative impact on the environment which takes account of any other development that has been granted or is known to be strategically planned within the Parish or adjacent to the Parish boundary. Developments that are assessed as having a net negative impact will not normally be supported, unless suitable mitigation or overriding public benefit can be demonstrated.

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* 7. Policy 5: Green Energy Initiatives

P5.1 New power generation will only be supported where renewable energy will be used.
P5.2 Green initiatives will be encouraged in all new developments.
P5.3 Any new development must be accessible to sustainable transport.

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* 8. Policy 6: Vehicle Parking Requirements
P6.1 All planning applications resulting in a net new dwelling must meet the following criteria:
1. Off-street parking of dimension of at least 2.4m x 4.8m to allow for disabled access must be provided in the ratio of one parking space for a one-bedroom home, two car parking spaces for two and three bedroom homes and three parking spaces for four and more bedroom homes.
2. In the case of Houses with Multiple Occupation, the ratio must be one off-street parking space per bedroom.
3. Proposals must not result in the loss of off-street car parking spaces for existing dwellings unless it can be demonstrated that there is a surplus of existing off-street spaces serving said dwellings.
4. Access for emergency vehicles must be ensured.
5. Cycle storage must be provided.

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* 9. Policy 7: Landscape Enhancement

P7.1 Proposals for development must detail how existing trees, Devon banks and hedges will be protected or enhanced. New planting of trees, Devon banks and hedges are encouraged to increase tree cover and hedgerows within the Parish. Where new landscaping is proposed native species of local provenance are favoured and the siting of trees must take account of their canopy and root development.
P7.2 Local views from viewing points such as the top of Globe Hill and entries to the settlements as well as views of the Churches need to be safeguarded.

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* 10. Policy 8: Biodiversity Enhancement

P8.1 For any new development, wherever possible, existing habitats and ecosystems must be protected. All significant developments requiring planning application must demonstrate the delivery of biodiversity net gain with the use of a recognised biodiversity metric.
P8.2 The minimum biodiversity net gain will be in line with East Devon District Council policies and is required to be on the application site or within the Parish.

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* 11. Policy 9: Support for wildlife within new developments
P9.1 There will be a preference for developments within the Parish which:
1. Include an average rate of one integral swift brick per unit/residential dwelling, more for larger buildings.
2. Protect or establish permeable and ideally planted boundaries, e.g. hedges, or fences with small gaps at the base in each garden that permit movement of hedgehogs.
3. Include solitary bee boxes, bee bricks and "insect house".
4. Retain existing and plant new native trees, shrubs and hedges to create green corridors for wildlife to move through the development to adjacent habitats.

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* 12. Policy 10: Conservation of Heritage

P10.1 Any designated or non-designated heritage assets in the Parish, and their settings, must be conserved and where possible enhanced for their historic significance and importance with particular regard to their local distinctiveness, character and sense of place.

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* 13. Policy 11: Green Spaces

P11.1 Proposals for development on green and community spaces will not be supported other than in very special circumstances, for example, unless it is demonstrated that such development will result in a net increase in the community value of that space or assets, and features on it, or there is new provision of equal or enhanced community value.
P11.2 Where existing community spaces are no longer utilised for their earlier purpose, alternative community uses will be looked upon favourably.

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* 14. Policy 12: Small Business Development
P12.1 Other than where allocated for development in the East Devon Local Plan, or otherwise clearly allowed for under local plan policy, the expansion of established business premises will not be supported beyond existing business premises operational boundaries.
P12.2 Small extensions to the buildings of existing businesses or the sympathetic conversion of existing buildings will be supported where all the following are met:
1. the proposal does not compromise any other policies in this Plan and the Local Plan and
2. the premises is within an accessible location with no significant increase in vehicle movement and
3. it would not adversely harm the amenities of adjoining or nearby occupiers.

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* 15. Policy 13: Rural Diversification
P13.1 The re-use of farm and other rural buildings will be supported for business or tourism purposes provided that the proposed use is small scale and where on an operational farm it is subservient to the farm and its operations and where any development:
1. would not have a significant adverse impact on the surrounding landscape or environment.
2. would not adversely harm the amenities of adjoining or nearby residential occupiers.
3. where the building in question can be converted to a standard that meets the design guidelines set out in Appendix C.

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* 16. Policy 14: Equine Activities
P14.1 Equestrian development will be supported if it:
1. is of a scale and/or an intensity of equestrianism use which will be compatible with the landscape and its special qualities. As a guide, 0.5 hectares of grazing per animal should be provided. It demonstrates clever design which responds to local character and distinctiveness including location and siting.
2. has a location which relates to existing infrastructure, where necessary, which includes vehicular and field access. In isolated locations field shelters may be erected but should be established adjacent to existing vegetation. Where this is insufficient to screen the building, native planting should be provided.
3. re-uses existing buildings where ever practicable and viable. Covered ménages or arenas should utilise existing agricultural buildings.
4. locates new buildings, stables, yard areas and facilities adjacent to existing buildings provided they respect the amenities of surrounding properties and uses. They should be established as a block, near to existing dwelling or farm building from which they will be managed, to improve security, reduced visual impact and minimise the footprint.
5. provides new or supplementary native planting, hard landscape features of boundary treatments consistent with local character where appropriate.

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* 17. Policy 15: The loss of community facilities must only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.

P15.1 Planning permission which will result in the loss of a facility will only be supported where one of the following criteria is met:
1 the facility is relocated to, or a better facility is provided, in an equally or more accessible and more appropriate building or location, or

2 the community or Parish Council is satisfied that the facility is no longer needed and there is no reasonable prospect of use in the future, or

3 a satisfactory assessment has taken place which proves there is an excess of such provision and the site or building is not needed for any other community facility or use.