October 2023

Before completing this registration form, please be sure to submit your application for WIOA using this link: https://atlworks.org/get-started/understanding-the-wioa-application-process/. You must apply and be approved for WIOA to complete your enrollment in the  Pathways to Profit program beginning in October of 2023.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. We are approved training providers for WIOA in Cobb County and Dekalb County. Please indicate which county your currently live in.

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* 3. Race

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* 4. Ethnicity

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* 5. Primary Language

More Information

WIOA Funded Pathways to Profit Program

Do you have questions about how to apply for WIOA? To enroll in the Pathways to Profit Program, you must apply and be approved for WIOA in Cobb, Cherokee, Clayton, Dekalb, Douglas, Fayette, Gwinnett, Henry, or Rockdale County. For more information about WIOA and how to apply, visit this link: https://atlworks.org/get-started/understanding-the-wioa-application-process/

Pathways to Profit is a 24-week business development program designed to provide aspiring and existing entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs with business development and management training, financial education, professional leadership and life skills training. The program includes 2 phases. In Phase 1, program participants complete the Getting Started in Business Certificate Course, in which they will meet twice a week for 6 weeks to create a well-defined business concept, business plan, and business pitch.

Following completion of the Getting Started in Business Certificate Course, participants will advance into Phase 2 of the Pathways to Profit Program: Building Your Income Strategy. In phase 2, participants of the Pathways to Profit Program will choose either the Entrepreneurial or Intrapreneurial path. Over the course of  18 weeks, participants will gain skills needed to function in entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial roles in which they will perform essential business management functions related to strategic planning, capacity building, operations management, financial planning, team building, problem-solving, and workplace innovation. Each participant will be assigned a pathway advisor to guide their progress as they work to define and complete individualized goals outlined on the Business Start-Up Essentials Checklist or the (Checklist for Intrapreneurial Path). In addition to one-on-one and group pathway counseling sessions, participants will engage in quality entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial  training, webinars, workshops, business conferences, and  networking events that align with their individualized goals. Phase 2 of the Pathways to Profit Program also engages participants in life skills training that will equip participants with the tools and skills necessary to be effective leaders and entrepreneurs able to successfully navigate the day-to-day challenges and responsibilities of business management and/or ownership.

To graduate from the Pathways to Profit Program, each participant must complete a business plan and goal-related tasks outlined on their individualized Business Start-Up Essentials Checklist. To qualify for this program, participants must either be in business or have a viable business concept.

Credential Attained: An industry-recognized certificate or certification
Program Prerequisites: Program participants must demonstrate a minimum of an 8th-grade math, reading, and writing level.

You can apply for the WIOA grant by visiting your local WorkSource office. Cobb County residents should visit WorkSourceCobb.org to apply. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the WIOA Funded Pathways to Profit Program or the WIOA grant, please feel free to reach out to the Women’s Business Center or the Executive Director of Greater Wealth Works directly (see contact information below).

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* 6. Have you already applied for the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) Grant Funding?

Contact Us

Greater Wealth Works Women's Business Center 

Executive Director 
Greater Wealth Works
Rachel Davis (Contact for specific WIOA questions)