Hi there!

Thank you for taking the time to fill in your answers to the 'Introduction to Project-Based Learning' survey.

We ask these questions so that we can measure how well we're doing in our training and course development, so that what we share with you is always best in class!

This is the first of two surveys about the 'Introduction to Project-Based Learning' programme that we are asking you fill in. The first survey is done before you complete any training and gives us an idea of what you understand, before having gone through the course work. This is called the Baseline and is this assessment below.

Please take a few minutes to respond to the questions below. All information is treated securely and is for research and analysis purposes only.

There are no right or wrong answers and you won’t be measured nor judged on anything you share. Please be as honest and open as possible.
Thank you.
Section 1. Introductory Questions

Question Title

* 1. Have you previously participated in the DEB's E3 programme?

Question Title

* 2. Have you previously participated in an educator survey/interview conducted by DBEs E3?

Question Title

* 4. Please give us your mobile number.

Question Title

* 5. Please tell us your designation.

Question Title

* 6. How many years have you been teaching?

Question Title

* 7. Please tell us what subjects do you teach?
Please list the subject and the corresponding grade or grades.
(Please add 'None' if you are not a Teacher)

Section 2. Knowledge Questions

Question Title

* 8. What do you understand by project-based learning (PBL)?

Question Title

* 9. What are the 3 advantages of project-based learning as a teaching methodology?
Click the three that apply.

Question Title

* 10. According to your understanding, which of the following statements best describes someone with an entrepreneurial mindset?
(Please choose only one option)

Question Title

* 11. Who needs an entrepreneurial mindset?
(Please choose only one option)

Section 3. Skills Questions

Question Title

* 12. Please choose one of the following which best describes the way you teach.
Click the one that best applies.

Question Title

* 13. Which statement best describes your ability to teach using PBL?
Click the one that best applies.


Question Title

* 14. How often do you present a summary of recently learned content in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 15. How often do you set goals/expectations at the beginning of the class/topic in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 16. How often do you explain how old and new topics are related in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 17. How often do you give tasks that require Learners to think critically in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 18. How often do you have Learners work in groups to complete a task in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 19. How often do you have Learners decide on their own procedure to solve complex problems in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 20. How often do you tell Learners to listen to what you say in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 21. How often do you calm Learners who are disruptive in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 22. How often do you refer to a problem in everyday life or work to demonstrate how specific knowledge is useful in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 23. How often do you let Learners practise similar tasks until you know every Learner has understood the topic in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Question Title

* 24. How often do you give Learners projects that require at least one week to complete, in your teaching?
Select the option that best applies.

Section 4. Efficacy Questions

Question Title

* 25. How much can you do to control disruptive behaviour in the classroom?

Question Title

* 26. How much can you do to motivate Learners who show low interest in school work?

Question Title

* 27. How much can you do to get Learners to believe that they can do well in school work?

Question Title

* 28. How much can you do to help your Learners value learning?

Question Title

* 29. To what extent can you craft good questions for your learners?

Question Title

* 30. How much can you do to get Learners to follow classroom rules?

Question Title

* 31. How much can you do to calm a Learner who is disruptive or noisy?

Question Title

* 32. How well can you establish a classroom management system with each group of Learners?

Question Title

* 33. How much can you use a variety of assessment strategies?

Question Title

* 34. To what extent can you provide an alternative explanation or example when Learners are confused?

Question Title

* 35. How much can you assist families in helping their children to do well at school?

Question Title

* 36. How can you implement alternative strategies in your classroom?

Section 5. Motivation Questions

Question Title

* 37. I see the value in implementing PBL to facilitate learning in South African classrooms.

Question Title

* 38. I feel recognised by my community as playing a vital role in preparing Learners for the 21st century.

Question Title

* 39. I feel confident in my role as a 21st century Teacher.

Question Title

* 40. I have the required resources to implement PBL in the classroom.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Please click "done" to submit your answers.