Chelmsford Library Hours Survey

The Library is exploring options for future growth of services. One possibility is expanding hours at either the Main Library, the MacKay Branch, or both. While we cannot guarantee that any of the following proposals will be put into action, our community's opinion is an important consideration as we continue to develop our plans.
1.For each statement below, please click the option that best describes how you feel:
Important to me
I’m neutral about this
I don’t need this
The Main Library should be open on Sundays year round.
The Main Library should be open later on Fridays.
The MacKay Branch should be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The MacKay Branch should have Saturday hours.
The MacKay Branch should have longer hours on the days that it is open.
The Library should not expand hours at either branch.
2.Of all of these options, which ONE is most important to you? (choose one)
3.My zip code is: