Please help us improve the Annual Gala

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* 1. Have you attended an Innovation Fund Gala in any previous year?

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* 2. I learned about the event:

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* 3. The mission of the organization:

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* 4. Did you enjoy the Gala-rama?

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* 5. How would you rate the following features of the Gala-rama

  Poor Fair Good Excellent Don't Know/Didn't notice
Seeing testimonials of over 20 faculty members
Hearing from the Live Host
Hearing from Students
Hearing from Fund Volunteers
Hearing from Donors
Hearing from Administrators
Hearing from Architects
During Event Paddle Raise Match Challenge
Online Auction
Event estimation challenge
Reading the event chat stream

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* 6. The best way to improve fundraising at this type of Gala is:

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* 7. Please check all the statements that apply to you

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* 8. Would you want to have the same event again next year?

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* 9. My friends did not attend the Gala-rama because: