Great Expectations Newsletter and Updates Sign-up

Hello friend of Great Expectations! The purpose of this survey is to help us learn more about how Great Expectations is being used and by whom. All questions are optional.
1.What is your name?
2.At which company or organization do you work?
3.What is your job function? Check all that apply
4.Where is your team currently in using Great Expectations?
5.What technologies are used in your data pipeline? Select all that apply
6.What is the source(s) of the data you will be using with Great Expectations? Select all that apply
7.What does your data pipeline do for your business?
8.How did you find Great Expectations? Check all that apply
9.Would you be interested in receiving updates on webinars, events, and other Great Expectations updates?
10.Please enter your email or Great Expectations Slack ID. See the example below for Slack ID. 

Enter whichever form of contact you'd prefer if you are okay with us reaching out.
Click on your name, then "view full profile", then "More" to copy your Slack id.
11.Would your team be interested in consulting services from the Great Expectations team?

Working with the core Great Expectations team is the best way to guarantee the success of your data quality efforts. We can provide hands-on support to accelerate your technical efforts around deployment, integration, and customization. We can also train your team in design patterns, best practices, and collaborative workflows to ensure the sustainability of your data quality efforts across the organization.
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered