We appreciate your participation which will assist the SPARC DRC Communications Committee to streamline more effective outreach to the scientific community. 

Question Title

* 1. Where do you find out about new discoveries and resources? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 2. Where do you publish?  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. For each scientific community activity listed below, please rate how you view your participation as a means of sharing and gaining new information.

  Not at all important ... Important ... Very important
Speaker sessions at conferences
Giving Webinars
Workshops/training sessions hosted at your university
Special issues/paper packets
Creating teaching modules for university courses
Conference socials
Attending Webinars

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following activities do you currently participate in? Please check all that apply.

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* 5. Indicate by checking the box if you would like to participate in the following opportunities:

Question Title

* 6. Can we contact you for further clarification? Please provide a contact email address if so.