GWO Merit Positioning Paper Survey

GWO stakeholders are invited to contribute their opinions on the Merit Positioning Paper. We would welcome your specific thoughts on the following questions.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email

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* 4. On a scale of one to five how much do you agree with the following statements:

There is unmet demand for meriting.

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* 5. It is reasonable to have constraints on the range of legacy qualifications acceptable to meriting.

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* 6. It is reasonable to have constraints on the elapsed time since qualification is acceptable to meriting.

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* 7. Training providers are well placed to undertake individual merit gap assessments?

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* 8. Certified GWO instructors are competent to undertake merit gap analysis without further training.

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* 9. In your experience what changes to instructor qualification or continuing professional development may be needed to keep instructors updated on changes to incoming legacy qualifications?

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* 10. Would a certification approach to controlling merit assessment offer sufficient flexibility and assurance of quality - and why (not)?

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* 11. What other meriting processes you have you experienced and would recommend - and why?

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* 12. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my answers in more depth and give GWO permission to send and received further communications on this.

100% of survey complete.