Thank you for responding to our survey! We are very busy and have numerous study opportunities. Please read the descriptions before deciding which studies to apply for. You may apply for them all if you fit the demographic

Please enter the demographic and contact information requested below. If your responses indicate that you're a good match for our upcoming Study, a recruiter will contact you to conduct additional follow-up screening and discuss scheduling opportunities.

Study details: JUST FILL OUT THE SURVEY SECTIONS THAT APPLY TO YOUR DEMOGRAPHIC, Skip sections that do not apply.

#1. Cell Phone & Internet Provider Study
$100 for participating in a one-hour IN-PERSON study in AUSTIN ,TX
Ages 18+

#2. Investment Study
Ages 35-65

#3 Jewelry Study
$350/3 hour shop-a-long IN-PERSON IN AUSTIN, TX
Dates to be determined in mid April
Ages 22-32

#4 Insurance Study
$175/2-hour focus group IN-PERSON IN AUSTIN, TX

Lone Star Market Research values your privacy. We will never sell your information and will contact you only for research recruiting purposes.

Please be aware that you will only receive compensation if you are selected and participate in the study; not for filling out this short pre-qualifying survey.

Question Title

* 1. Please leave blank-for office use:

Everyone fill out the contact and demographic section please

Question Title

* 2. contact info

Question Title

* 3. Gender

Question Title

* 4. Age

Question Title

* 5. Ethnicity

Question Title

* 6. Household income

Question Title

* 7. Education

Question Title

* 8. Employment Status

Question Title

* 9. When using a cell phone, computer, or web site, do you experience any of the following difficulties? (choose all that apply)

#1. Cell Phone & Internet Provider Study- fill out this section, please.
$100 for participating in a one-hour IN-PERSON study in AUSTIN ,TX
Ages 18+

Question Title

* 10. Who is your current wireless (cell) phone service provider?

Question Title

* 11. How many wireless phone lines (i.e., different cell phone numbers) do have?

Question Title

* 12. What kind of wireless (cell) phone service do you have?

Question Title

* 13. Does your wireless (cell) phone service have unlimited data?

Question Title

* 14. Who is your current home Internet service provider?

Question Title

* 15. What is the speed tier you pay for your home Internet? (i.e., download speed for the plan, not necessarily what speed you actually get)

Question Title

* 16. In your household, are you the person that takes care of managing billing and payments for your wireless (cell) phone services or your home internet service? (it’s fine if shared with another household member)

Question Title

* 17. For either your wireless (cell) phone service or your home internet service, how do you pay your bill?

Question Title

* 18. Within the last year, have you used your wireless (cell) phone while traveling internationally? If so, how did you get service for it?

Question Title

* 19. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is a novice and 5 is an expert, how would you rate your technological expertise?

Question Title

* 20. If your wireless (cell) phone and home internet providers are not the same company, In the future, how willing would you be to have the same company provide both?

#2. Investment Study- please fill out this section.
Ages 35-65

Question Title

* 21. Do you have any investments with Empower Financial Services?

Question Title

* 22. If you have investments with Empower Financial Services -which of the following apply?

#3 Jewelry Study-please fill out this section
$350/3 hour shop-a-long IN-PERSON IN AUSTIN, TX
Dates to be determined in mid April
Ages 22-32

Question Title

* 23. Within the past 6 months have you purchased jewelry for yourself or someone else that cost at least $100? If so, please tell me..
1. where you purchased it,
2. what was the item much did it cost?
4. was the item(s) purchased for yourself, someone else or both
5. did you shop online, in a physical store or a mix of both
6. what stores did you shop
7. was the purchase for sentimental reasons or more to make a bold statement

#4 Insurance Study-please fill out this section
$175/2-hour focus group IN-PERSON IN AUSTIN, TX

Question Title

* 24. Are you shy in front of an audience of 100 or more?

Question Title

* 25. What type of insurance, if any have you shopped for in the past 6 months?

Question Title

* 26. What companies did you shop or research for your recent insurance needs?