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Course feedback survey

Question Title

* 1. Information and resources

  1 Not at all satisfied 2 Somewhat satisfied 3 Quite Satisfied 4 Very Satisfied
How satisfied are you with the guidance, information and resources presented during the course?
How satisfied were you with the presenter/s?
How satisfied were you with the course structure and the online format?

Question Title

* 2. Knowledge and skills

  1 Not at all improved 2 Somewhat improved 3 Quite improved 4 Very much improved
To what extent has the course improved your knowledge?
To what extent has the course improved your skills?

Question Title

* 3. Practice change

  1 Not at all likely 2 Somewhat likely 3 Quite likely 4 Very likely
How likely are you to share the knowledge and skills you learned during the course?
How likely are you to change the way you work or do things differently as a result of the course?
How confident are you to use new approaches or practices in your work?

Question Title

* 4. Overall

  1 Not at all satisfied / appropriate 2 Somewhat satisfied / appropriate 3 Quite satisfied / appropriate 4 Very satisfied / appropriate
Overall, how satisfied were you with the course?
Overall, how appropriate was the course in meeting your needs and priorities?

Question Title

* 5. Please provide any other feedback you may have

Question Title

* 6. Your name