Genesis, A New Beginning - Program Evaluation

1.Primary location of your sessions
2.Primary Clinician name
3.Please indicate how much you AGREE or DISAGREE with each statement
Disagree strongly
Agree strongly
Not applicable
You trust your clinician
Time schedules for sessions are convenient for you
It's always easy to follow or understand what the clinician is trying to tell you
This program expects you to learn responsibility and self-discipline
Your clinician is easy to talk to
You are willing to talk about your feelings during sessions
This program is organized and well run
You are motivated and encouraged by your clinician
You have made progress with your presenting problem(s)
You have learned to analyze and plan ways to solve your problems
You have made progress toward your treatment / program goals
You always attend the session(s) scheduled for you
Your clinician recognizes the progress you make in treatment
Your clinician is well organized and prepared for each session
Your clinician is sensitive to your situation and problems
Your treatment plan has reasonable objectives / goals
Your clinician views your problems and situations realistically
Other clients in this program care about me and my problems
You have stopped or greatly reduced your drug or alcohol use while in the program
Your clinician helps you develop confidence in yourself
You always participate actively in your sessions
You have made progress in understanding your feelings and behaviors
Other clients at this program are helpful to you
You have improved your relations with other people because of this treatment
The staff here are efficient at doing their job
You are similar (or like) other clients in this program
You give honest feedback during sessions
You can depend on your clinician's understanding
There is a sense of family (or community) in this program
This program location is convenient for you
You are following your clinician's guidance
You felt your clinician was prepared for groups
Your clinician started sessions on time
Your clinician stopped sessions on time
The receptionist answered and returned your calls in a timely and courteous manner
Material covered during sessions or groups was beneficial
You would recommend this program to your family or friends
4.Please provide any additional comments or feedback below:
5.Please rate our overall performance
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered