
St Austell Christian Resources and Education

The vision of SACREdplace is 'Practically promoting Christian unity'. We hope to achieve this through working and praying together as Christians from different backgrounds and traditions. We also intend to provide Bibles, Christian books, greetings cards and other supplies, including Fairtrade goods, across central and west Cornwall. We will also offer open access to non-judgmental pastoral care for all who come. Thank you so much for completing this survey which will tell us about your needs and priorities and help with our forward planning. (Please note that all answers are anonymous and no individual will be identified.)
1.Have you ever used or visited the SACREdplace Christian bookshop in St Austell?
2.Which of the following services did you use? (please tick all those that apply to you)
3.Which range of goods did you purchase? (please tick all that apply)
4.Please tell us which services or goods you might be most interested in SACREdplace providing in the future?
5.The SACREdplace Group hopes to form a legal entity, perhaps a Registered Charity or Charitable Incorporated Organisation, for example. Do you have the skills to contribute in any of the following roles? (Please tick any of the following)
6.Thank you very much for completing our survey. Please use the box below for anything else you would like to add or leave your contact details to receive further information about the progress of SACREdplace.
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered