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Creative Manitoba strengthens, represents, and connects Manitoba’s arts and creative industries. Creative Manitoba’s culture is one of community and belonging. We are committed to equity and co-creation, and we will work to be a catalyst for artists and arts organizations to gather and build meaningful connections. We are committed to creating adaptive and responsive programs that support the creative community, helping them to thrive in abundance while finding joy in life.

This survey focuses particularly on the vital segment of new international and immigrant artists. It is a first step in helping us better understand the challenges faced by newcomer artists and provide meaningful support. Your input is essential, and it will help us understand what programs and services are needed to help new international and immigrant artists thrive in their artistic practices.

The information collected from the survey will be anonymous and used to inform initiatives and programs and for reporting purposes. Please take this opportunity to let us know about your experience.

The survey will take less than 10 minutes of your time.

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* 1. What is your primary artistic discipline?

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* 2. Creative Manitoba is seeking to offer meaningful programming and opportunities to equity-seeking groups, which includes members of visible minorities, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, members of sexual minorities, as well as Immigrants and Newcomers to Canada. Please check the equity-seeking groups with which you identify from the list below (check all that apply).

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. Where do you live?

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* 5. Are you a full-time or part-time artist?

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* 6. How long have you been in Manitoba?

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* 7. How long have you been a practicing artist?

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* 8. Where do you make/sell your art?

Experience in the Manitoba Arts Community

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* 9. As a newcomer artist, what challenges do you face when building community, seeking mentorship, and fostering collaboration within the artistic community?

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* 10. Have you had to change your artistic practice since your move to Manitoba?

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* 11. As a newcomer artist, do you have specific strategies for reaching out to Indigenous or Winnipeg-based artists and communities?


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* 12. Where do you typically seek information about artistic opportunities, events, or support services?

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* 13. Are you actively engaged in building community, such as through memberships with local artistic organizations?

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* 14. Are you interested in collaborating and connecting with other artists in Manitoba?

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* 15. What is your comfort level when engaging in networking events or initiatives?

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* 16. Have you identified specific networking opportunities or platforms where you can connect with fellow artists and industry professionals?


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* 17. Do you primarily view your artistic practice as a passion or as a means of financial stability?

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* 18. Is paying for development opportunities a barrier to participation?

Gaps and Opportunities

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* 19. What areas do you feel lack support as a creative individual in a new environment? This could include access to art supplies, finding information, or other resources necessary for commercial sales or personal expression.

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* 20. Have you identified any challenges or barriers in accessing resources, workspaces and opportunities for your creative projects?

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* 21. Do you have issues or challenges putting together shows or finding opportunities to show your work?

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* 22. Please indicate your level of interest in the following training opportunities.

  Very Interested Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested
Pricing for my artistic services or products
Funding and artist grants
Copyright laws, registration of my artistic work, or legal services
Connecting with your local community & opportunities for collaboration

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* 23. If the survey has not addressed your concerns, please feel free to share any additional comments or feedback with us. We appreciate any input that can help us better understand the questions and concerns that newcomers may have in a new environment.

Thank you!