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Hello!  Welcome, Cardinals!

Thanks for providing your input on our 50th class reunion.  This four-minute survey will be used to help those choosing to get involved in organizing it to determine events and activities.  The selections are based upon initial comments on the Facebook page and are suggestions; and most answers are multiple choice.   Please use the "other" boxes where provided to add comments and ideas; questions can be asked here but also on the Facebook page.  We need your input no later than January 31 to make sure there's time to secure venues, events, and activities. 

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* 1. What is your relationship to the Franklin Pierce '72 graduating class?

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* 2. What is your preferred date / time of year and range of days for a reunion, based on your availability?  Select all that apply.  (Assuming it is summer 2021; if you have other dates, select "other" and enter a date or range).

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* 3. This question, unfortunately, is the reality of the times - in light of the pandemic and public health guidelines, some events may have conditions applied, which may influence what kind of events are planned.  What are your thoughts or preferences on the following?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral / Indifferent Somewhat disagree Strongly Disagree
I would prefer events that are held outdoors or have a venue that has good ventilation, like an roofed open-air building or shelter.
I prefer having multiple events to enable meeting classmates without being in a large crowd.
I don't have a problem if masks,  proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test is required at a venue.
I will attend a large event, such as a restaurant, bar or other venue as long as public health precautions are taken.
Events should be flexible if public health circumstances warrant their change, and am willing to adjust accordingly.
I will not attend a venue or event if Covid testing, vaccination, or masking requirements are required.
I am reluctant or will not attend because of the health consequences of myself or those close to me if they are exposed to Covid.

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* 4. What interests you as to reunion events?   Please indicate your preference for a class reunion events and structure.  It's assumed events will not conflict or overlap.  Check all that apply.

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* 5. How far will you have to travel to get to the reunion event(s)?

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* 6. Class reunions can take quite a bit of time and effort.  What are your preferences for the following ways to make it happen and it's costs (select all that apply):

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* 7. What are you feelings about a Class Reunion "Zoom" (or similar) meeting with a moderator and break out rooms, with an effort to reach out to those who cannot attend in person?

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* 8. What are your budget parameters for attending all the class reunion events?  (Excluding travel, lodging, and calculating per person).

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* 9. Thank you for your input.   Please include here whether you will need any special accommodations (mobility issues, ADA parking, wheelchair access, hearing or visual aids, dietary restrictions / preferences) to help us select venues and activities that will reflect them.  Also, any miscellaneous comments or preferences can be added here.  Thanks, and hope to see you soon!

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