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* 1. What is your source of income ?

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* 2. Do you save money regularly?

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* 3. you save money by which way/ways ? you can choose multiple options

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* 4. Do you believe prices of everything is increasing every year ?

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* 5. You want to save money for ? You can choose multiple answer if applicable

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* 6. Do you have Saving or Investment (Provident fund) , retirement plan (Gratuity) or Insurance (health and life) provided by your organization ? you can choose multiple answer if applicable

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* 7. Do you have any type of Insurance or Investment plan bought by yourself? you can choose multiple answer if applicable

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* 8. Are you looking for some advice on financial planning that cover future financial goals and secure needs/risk for yourself or for your family?

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* 9. Would You like to be contacted for comprehensive Plan which have saving, Investment with high & safe returns, Life Insurance, Accidental insurance, Health Insurance and Loan facility from Government guaranteed companies, State Life, EFU , Jubilee ?

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* 10. Your Brief Introduction