Below, you'll find a short pulse survey. It is our intention to receive 100% participation in the survey by August 18th, 2023 in order to ensure that each and every employee's voice is heard. Your opinions are important to us, and this survey is your chance to express those opinions.

This survey is being managed by an independent survey company. This outside company will host the survey on the Internet and collect your responses online. All responses will remain strictly anonymous. We will not be able to trace individual responses back to you.

Thank you for devoting your time and providing candid input. 

Question Title

1. In general, what is the organization doing right and how can we do more of it?

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2. In general, where can the organization improve?

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3. In prior year's surveys, it was identified that GIG's five areas that needed the most improvement were: communication/being listened to, togetherness, showing recognition/appreciation, proper training, and overall staffing. How would you rate these concerns as of today? If you have no point of reference, just select N/A.

  This is significantly worse This is slightly worse This has stayed the same This is slightly better This is significantly better N/A
Communication/Being Listened To
Showing Recognition/Appreciation
Proper Training
Overall Staffing

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4. How would you rate your satisfaction with GIG Leadership? 

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5. How would you rate your satisfaction with Agency Leadership?

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6. Do you understand the expectations of your job role and feel supported to perform well in this position? (If not, please explain how we can help to provide clarity or training in specific areas)

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7. Do you have any additional comments to supplement the questions above?