Community Assist - Participant Feedback Survey

1.What services did Community Assist provide?
2.I feel my experience was positive and I was treated with dignity and respect
3.Information was explained to me in a manner that was easy to understand
4.I was involved and consulted about decision making around the services and felt I was able to provide input
5.Services were delivered in a reasonable timeframe
6.I felt that all staff from Community Assist worked well together and were informed to help achieve an outcome
7.I was given clear and concise instructions about how to manage my care needs independently
8.I felt that I had choice and control over the providers I used to deliver the services
9.How did you find out about Community Assist?
10.Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service delivery, processes or procedures?
11.Any other comments/feedback?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered