2024 - 3 Components of AI for Business

Thank you for attending the 3 Components of AI for Business on March 7, 2024. We would greatly appreciate your feedback regarding the event. Please take this quick survey to help us better tailor our content in the future.
1.How would you rank the facilities on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest?(Required.)
2.How would you rank the food & beverage on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest?(Required.)
3.Regarding the entire event (8am - 10am) - Was the event length too long, too short or about right?(Required.)
4.Any comments about the length of the event?
5.How engaging were the speakers, overall?(Required.)
6.Please rank the content of the presentations. Were you able to glean some practical takeaways?(Required.)
7.Overall, were you satisfied or dissatisfied with the event?(Required.)
8.What did you like about the event? What did you dislike about the event?
9.How likely are you to attend a similar event again in the future?(Required.)
10.Is there anything else you’d like to share about the event?
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Thank you for your time and input!